Microsoft to Continue Buying Studios, Series X/S Shortages To Continue Onto Next Year

Xbox's CFO Tim Stuart gave a talk at the Jefferies Interactive Entertainment Virtual Conference on November 12, where some of his remarks sketch out the issues Xbox faces in shipping their newest consoles, the Microsoft entertainment division's future plans for the Xbox Game Pass, and how Bethesda's acquisition will prioritize Xbox's platforms before all others. Stuart... Continue Reading →

Sunday Comics: Giant Days Vol. 03

It is a fool who pushes his favourite new mania to the side, only to return and review it six months later! Yes, I did it, and I accept my guilt with a bowed head. Whatever the circumstances of 2020--and aren't they a thrill?--mine is a sin not to be underestimated. I've ignored my sacred duty to spread the word about John Alison's wonderful Giant Days too long...

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